Did you Know?
More than 55% of all Internet purchases begin with a search engine, but 93% of these consumers do not look past the first two pages of search engine results. 33% of users think that if a company has a top ranking on a search engine, it is a leader in its field.
• 96% of consumers feel loyal to a brand, and 84% engage with advertising from brands they are loyal to.
• Email is the No. 1 channel for all generations except Gen Z
• 81% of all consumers want personalized communications
Unsurprisingly, 63% Gen Z still preferring communications through social media. 47% among millennials, 35% among Gen Z and 20% among Baby Boomers.
Baby Boomers are the generation most likely to trust a brand for offering a quality product, at 84%. However, the degree of trust remains high across the entire age spectrum: 73% among Gen Z, 72% among millennials and 69% among Gen Z.
In contrast, while brand reputation can seem nice to have, it’s just not as vital as product quality. Just 31% of millennials and 36% of Gen X put a lot of stock in a company’s reputation. This also is one area where Baby Boomers and Gen Z converge, at 41% and 42% respectively, but the importance of brand reputation never cracks the halfway mark among any age demographic. Source: Retail TouchPoints, Study By Data Axle
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